Prejudice, wrote a song about it.
Like to hear it? Here it go.
I wear tight clothing, high heeled shoes
It doesn't mean that I'm a prostitute, no no
I like rap music, wear hip hop clothes
That doesn't mean that I'm out sellin' dope no no
Oh my forgive me for having straight hair, no
It doesn't mean there's another blood in my heir yeah yeah
I might date another race or color
It doesn't mean I don't like my strong black brothers.
Why oh why must it be this way
Before you can read me you gotta learn how to see me, I said
Free your mind and the rest will follow
Be color blind, don't be so shallow.
Free your mind and the rest will follow
Be color blind, don't be so shallow
So I'm a sistah
Buy things with cash
That really doesn't mean that all my credit's bad, oooh
So why dispute me and waste my time
Because you really think the price is high for me
I can't look without being watched, and oh
You rang my buy before I made up my mind, OW!
Oh now attitude, why even bother
I can't change your mind, you can't change my color
Why oh why must it be this way?
Before you can read me you gotta learn how to see me, I said
Free your mind and the rest will follow
Be color blind, don't be so shallow…
Why oh why must it be this way?
Before you can read me you gotta learn how to see me, I said
Free your mind and the rest will follow
Be color blind, don't be so shallow... FREE YOUR MIND!
Like to hear it? Here it go.
I wear tight clothing, high heeled shoes
It doesn't mean that I'm a prostitute, no no
I like rap music, wear hip hop clothes
That doesn't mean that I'm out sellin' dope no no
Oh my forgive me for having straight hair, no
It doesn't mean there's another blood in my heir yeah yeah
I might date another race or color
It doesn't mean I don't like my strong black brothers.
Why oh why must it be this way
Before you can read me you gotta learn how to see me, I said
Free your mind and the rest will follow
Be color blind, don't be so shallow.
Free your mind and the rest will follow
Be color blind, don't be so shallow
So I'm a sistah
Buy things with cash
That really doesn't mean that all my credit's bad, oooh
So why dispute me and waste my time
Because you really think the price is high for me
I can't look without being watched, and oh
You rang my buy before I made up my mind, OW!
Oh now attitude, why even bother
I can't change your mind, you can't change my color
Why oh why must it be this way?
Before you can read me you gotta learn how to see me, I said
Free your mind and the rest will follow
Be color blind, don't be so shallow…
Why oh why must it be this way?
Before you can read me you gotta learn how to see me, I said
Free your mind and the rest will follow
Be color blind, don't be so shallow... FREE YOUR MIND!
Your Mind” yang di nyanyikan oleh En Vogue merupakan lagu yang menggambarkan
betapa sibuknya orang mengomentari orang lain. Betapa mudahnya orang
berprasangka buruk pada orang lain. Sering kali, orang menganggap bahwa seorang
wanita adalah Pekerja Seks Komersial (PSK) ketika dia memakai pakaian ketat dan
sepatu high heel, atau beranggapan
bahwa orang yang meyukai music keras dan pakaian hip hop adalah para pengedar narkoba, dan sebagainya. Banyak orang
menilai orang lain hanya melalui penampilan luar dan perilakunya, tanpa
berusaha mengenal lebih dalam orang tersebut.
lagu ini, En Vague mencoba menyampaikan pesan kepada para pendengar untuk
membebaskan pikirannya dari segala prasangka buruk untuk orang lain. Apalagi
ketika kita belum mengetahui secara mendalam tentang orang tersebut. Dia
mengajak para pendengarnya untuk tidak berfikir dangkal dan mempertimbangkan
semua pemikirannya sebelum menghukumi orang lain dengan prasangkanya.
Non-Verbal Communication, disebutkan
bahwa Clothing and Other Artifacts
merupakan salah satu symbol yang dapat menggambarkan identitas seseorang.
Pakaian seseorang dapat menggambarkan usia, jenis kelamin, status, kelas
sosial, peran, kepribadian dan hubungan dengan lawan jenis. Sementara itu,
artifacts seperti perhiasan, gaya rambut, kosmetik, dan sebagainya juga
demikian. Hal inilah yang kemudian menimbulkan prejudice bagi orang lain.
hal-hal diatas, En Vague juga menerangkan bahwa kadang ketika seseorang
memiliki ciri yang berbeda dari orang tuanya berarti dia memiliki asal
keturunan yang kurang jelas, ketika dia belanja dengan uang cash berarti
ekonominya rendah. Padahal, prasangka-prasangka tersebut belum tentu benar.
Namun budayalah yang membuat prasangka itu muncul. Dengan demikian, untuk
mengurangi prejudice, juga diperlukan
pemahaman mengenai budaya yang berlaku di masyarakat tempat kita tinggal,
sehingga seseorang mampu living in the
cross cultural environment.
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