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Jumat, 26 September 2014

Telaah Isi Sumpah Pemuda

Penting bagi generasi penerus bangsa untuk menelaah kembali isi Sumpah Pemuda. Sebagaimana telah kita ketahui bersama, bahwa Sumpah Pemuda yang diikrarkan pada tanggal 28 Oktober 1928 berbunyi:
1.      Kami putra putri Indonesia mengaku, bertumpah darah yang satu, Tanah Air Indonesia.
2.      Kami putra putri Indonesia mengaku, berbangsa yang satu, Bangsa Indonesia.
3.      Kami putra putri Indonesia mengaku, menjunjung bahasa persatuan, Bahasa Indonesia.
Melalui Sumpah Pemuda, Bangsa Indonesia telah dipersatukan oleh sejarahnya. Dengan semangat perjuangan, para pemuda Indonesia membangun persatuan dan kesatuan untuk melawan penjajahan. Namun demikian, yang terjadi saat ini justru sebaliknya. Indonesia seolah merelakan penjajahan untuk terus menggerogoti tubuh bangsa. Bagaimana tidak? Ribuan Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI) di era ini rela menjadi buruh di perusahaan-perusahaan asing yang berkembang di Indonesia. Sebagian besar pabrik-pabrik garment, tekstil, dan  makanan yang berkembang di Indonesia dipimpin oleh Warga Negara Asing (WNA), sementara WNI menjadi budak di negaranya sendiri. Dengan demikian secara tidak langsung, Indonesia justru memakmurkan Negara lain dan menindas negaranya sendiri. Selain itu, penjajahan halus juga dapat ditemukan dalam dunia perekonomian pasar Indonesia yang saat ini tengah didominasi oleh para pedagang China.
Dalam hal ini, Indonesia tengah mengalami krisis kepercayaan diri. Pemuda Indonesia tidak lagi percaya bahwa kita mampu menjadi lebih baik dari Negara lain. Semangat perjuangan bangsa Indonesia mulai luntur bersamaan dengan lunturnya kepercayaan diri. Karena itulah, penting bagi kita, mahasiswa, sebagai kaum intelektual bangsa Indonesia untuk berusaha sekuat mungkin mengisi dan memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Indonesia kembali. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan terus menggali dan mengamalkan ilmu pengetahuan sesuai dengan keahlian masing-masing sehingga mampu mengubah image Indonesia menjadi lebih baik di mata Negara lain. Kontribusi pemuda sangat dibutuhkan oleh bangsa.
Selanjutnya, bentuk penjajahan lain yang saat ini menjadi kebanggaan pemuda Indonesia adalah penjajahan budaya. Semakin canggihnya teknologi memberikan kesempatan yang cukup luas bagi Negara lain untuk melunturkan budaya Indonesia. Sebagai contoh, saat ini, para pemuda Indonesia lebih bangga ketika mampu menarikan dance K-Pop asal Korea daripada menarikan tarian adat Indonesia atau bahkan pemuda saat ini lebih tertarik untuk mengikuti gaya hidup orang barat. Dalam hal ini, terjadi dua macam krisis yakni krisis kepercayaan diri akan budayanya sendiri dan krisis moral yang ditunjukkan dengan merebaknya gaya hidup, seperti cara berpakaian dan berperilaku orang barat di Indonesia. Oleh sebab itu, pemuda Indonesia perlu menyadari dan menerapkan budayanya sendiri dengan berusaha mengurangi ketertarikannya pada budaya asing, serta berusaha melestarikan budaya Indonesia dengan menerapkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Krisis-krisis yang penulis paparkan tersebut merupakan bentuk faktor penyebab lunturnya semangat pemuda Indonesia yang berasal dari luar. Meskipun hal-hal tersebut berbahaya bagi bangsa Indonesia, namun menurut penulis, faktor yang lebih berbahaya adalah krisis moral yang berasal dari tubuh bangsa Indonesia sendiri. Sebagaimana virus yang ada di dalam tubuh manusia. Ketika virus tersebut didiamkan, maka virus akan menyebar dan sedikit demi sedikit menggerogoti tubuh bangsa. Virus-virus tersebut antara lain, virus tawuran pelajar yang seolah menjadi kebanggaan, virus kejahatan yang kian menjadi bahan pembicaraan, dan yang baru-baru ini sering kita temui adalah virus korupsi yang menjadi mata pencaharian. Jika virus-virus tersebut tidak di bunuh, maka Indonesialah yang secara perlahan akan terbunuh. Dengan demikian, penting bagi seluruh WNI untuk terus berusaha menjaga persatuan dan kesatuan antar warga, ikut serta memberantas kriminalitas serta ikut berjuang menegakkan hukum dan keadilan. Usaha-usaha tersebut dilakukan untuk mewujudkan serta mempertahankan kemerdekaan Indonesia yang sebenarnya, bukan sekedar kemerdekaan semu, dimana rakyat Indonesia menjadi budak Negara lain serta terbebas dari virus-virus mematikan yang menghambat ketentraman, kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan rakyat.  


A.    The Definition Of Classroom Action Research
Research is about generating new knowledge. Action Research creates new knowledge based on inquiries conducted within specific and often practical contexts (Koshy, 2005: 3). Action research is actually suitable for any person who wishes to improve his or her performance or any group or organization who hopes for doing the same. As a matter of fact, action research is widely used in education, especially by teachers who use it to improve their teaching. In the era of teaching as research, teacher researchers have adopted term “action research” to refer to their particular approach to classroom research. So far, action research has proved its suitability to education and become more and more important in education organizations (Hien, 2009: 97).
According to Robert Rapoport, Action Research aims to contribute both to the practical concerns of people in an immediate problematic situation and to the goals of social science by joint collaboration within a mutually acceptable ethical framework. Furthermore, John Elliot defined action research as the study of a social situation with a view to improving the quality of action within it (Hopkins, 1993: 45).
On the other hand, Kurt Lewin, A German social psychologist, asserts that action research is “a comparative research on the conditions and effects of various forms of social action and research leading to social action”; this type of research uses “a spiral step,” each of which is “composed of a circle of planning, action and fact-finding about the result of the action” (Hien, 2009: 98).
Concerning educational action research, that is Classroom Action Research (CAR), Stephen Kemmis states that action research is a form of self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participants in social (including educational) situations in order to improve the rationality and justice of (a) their own social or educational practices, (b) their understanding of these practices, and (c) the situations in which the practices are carried out. It is most rationally empowering when undertaken by participants collaboratively, though it is often undertaken by individuals, and sometimes in cooperation with ‘outsiders’. In education, action research has been employed in school-based curriculum development, professional development, school improvement programs, and systems planning and policy development (Hopkins, 1993: 44).
Supporting the Stephen’s idea, Dave Ebbutt gives a definition about action research. He writes that action research is about the systematic study of attempts to improve educational practice by groups of participants by means of their own practical actions and by means of their own practical actions and by means of their own reflection upon the effects of those actions (Hopkins, 1995: 45).
Obviously, the role of action research in education has been acknowledged for a long time when Hutchinson and Whitehouse, Lomax claim that action research is a research that “concerns with broader curriculum issues, and often with the administration and management of school and institutional change.” Glickman says that action research in education setting is a study conducted by teacher researchers to improve problems in their classrooms. In addition, Calhoun explains action research as a fancy research when she says that “let’s study what’s happening in our school and decide how to make it a better place” (Hien, 2009: 98).
B.     The Objectives of Classroom Action Research
Classroom Action Research is a research especially designed for teachers so that classroom teachers can conduct research in their own classrooms for the purpose of improving the quality of their classroom performance. So the research is done by the teacher-researcher. As a teacher, he/she has to solve the classroom problems and as a researcher he/she has to contribute to the development of the knowledge in their subjects by producing an innovative instructional strategy that improves the effectiveness of the classroom performance.
According to Vasal Koshy (2005), the aims of Classrom Action Research (CAR) are below:
  • .      To encourage teachers to engage with research and evidence about pupils’ achievements, for example to use other people’s research to inform their practice and/or to participate actively in research.
  • .      To increase the capacity for high-quality, teacher-focused classroom research by supporting teacher involvement in the development of research proposals for external funding.
  • .      To support teachers in designing, applying and for carrying out more medium and large-scale classroom-based research about pedagogy where teachers have an active role.
  • .      To enable experiments in disseminating research findings and making use of them in classrooms.
  • .      To provide examples of good practice in making use of research (Koshy, 2005: 29-30)

C.     Advantages and Disadvantages of Classroom Action Research
Teachers as researcher and students as change-receiver profit much from action research. When looking at educational dimension of action research, Gay and Airasian prove benefits resulted from the application of action research to education as follows:
  • .      Teachers investigate their own practice in new ways, looking deeper in what they and their students actually do and fail to do.
  • .      Teachers develop a deeper understanding of students, the teacher learning process and their role in the education of both teachers and students.
  • .      Teachers are viewed as equal partners in deciding what works best and what needs improvement in their classroom or classrooms.
  • .      In most cases, solutions for identified problems are arrived cooperatively among teachers.
  • .      Teachers are often more committed to action research because they identify the areas they view as problematical and in need of change.
  • .      Action research is an ongoing process and its strategies can be widely applied.
  • .      Professional development and school improvement are core aspects for any teacher who engages in action research.
  • .   Teacher reflection can be conducted individually or in a school-based team composed of students, teachers and administrators 

Sharing the view with Borgia and Schuler, Mills admits the importance of action research in education by adding that action research:
  • .      Encourages change in schools
  • .      Fosters a democratic approach to education
  • .      Empowers individuals through collaboration on projects
  • .      Positions teachers and other eduactors as learners who seek to narrow the gap between practice and their vision education
  • .       Encourages educators to reflect on their practice; and
  • .      Promotes a process of testing new ideas. (Hien,2009: 104). 

However, Classroom Action Research also has some disadvantages, such as:
  • .      Action research lacks rigor and validity

It is possible to be rigorous in both gathering and analyzing data within action research. The work is located within one’s context and acknowledged as such. Therefore drawing on national samples is not a requirement. By using a variety of research methods used in traditional research, the action researcher can carry out the work keeping to strict standards. Sharing data with critical friends and triangulation would ensure that the quality of what is gathered is robust and without bias.
  • .      Action research findings are not generalisable

Many of students have been anxious about the issue of generalizability within action research. The action researcher does not set out to seek generalisable data but to generate knowledge based on action within one’s own situation. Any findings from the research are generalisable only within that situation and within the context of the work, which is declared in advance. Dissemination of findings could be applicable to those who are interested and to other practitioners in similar circumstances, either locally or at a distance. It may be useful also for those who wish to apply the findings or replicate the study.
  • .      It is a deficit model

Quite often, reference is made to the problem-solving nature of action research which may portray the process as a deficit model. This is not so. First, developing strategies for solving problem within a situation is not negative action; it really is about making progress and the development of ideas (Koshy, 2005: 30-31).

Hien, Tran Thi Thu. 2009. VNU Journal of Science, Foreign Languages 25: Why is action research suitable for education?. Department of Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes, College of Foreign Languages, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Pham Van Dong Street, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam. February, 4.
Hopkins, David. 1993. A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Research, 2nd Ed. Philadelphia: Open University Press.
Koshy, Valsa. 2005. Action Research for Improving Practice: A Practical Guide. London: Paul Chapman Publishing
Kunandar. 2011. Langkah Mudah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Sebagai Pengembangan Profesi Guru. Jakarta: PT Rajawali Pers.
Lodico, Marguerite G., Dean T. S, & Katherine H. V. 2006. Methods in Educational Research: from Theory to Practice, 1st Ed. San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass.